Monday, November 7, 2011

Small Anorexic Tooth Pick

Let's call him the "SMALL ANOREXIC TOOTH PICK". SMALL ANOREXIC TOOTH PICK, or SATP, for short, was the mistake in this world. I don't know what makes him so stupid, but it really works. He'll never be the man his mother is... I swear, his mom has a bigger dick than him.

He acts like a fucking dick. If he's going to act like one, he might as well dress like one - buy a condom. He should learn from his parents' mistakes -- USE BIRTH CONTROL. When he was born, the condom factory must have sent some kind of apology letter to the parents. To make matters worse, his BIRTH CERTIFICATE is an apology from the condom factory too. He was most likely born on a road, as that is where most accidents happen. This funny little scene probably took place as he was being born:

Big Anorexic Tooth Pick Mother-Fucker: What a treasure!
Big Anorexic Tooth Pick Father-Fucker: Yeah, let's bury it.

My middle finger gets an erection whenever I think of him. I think that, that when his mother first saw him, she decided to leave him on the front steps of a police station while she turned herself in. I swear, the only vagina that he is going to ever see is the one that he fell out from when he was born.

He should put a diaper on his face because that's where all the shit is coming out of. I wonder how he was born -- his dad has no balls.

Some babies were dropped on their heads but he was clearly thrown at a wall. He is deadset proof that evolution can go in reverse. He is also a living proof of reincarnation. No one could get as stupid as him in one lifetime... TO BE HONEST, CALLING HIM STUPID WOULD BE A GRAVE INSULT TO STUPID PEOPLE. Anyway, if he was twice as smart, he would still be stupid. When he dies and people ask me what the cause of his death was, I'll say it was his stupidity. He could be locked in a grocery store and starve to death.

Now, switching the topic, a little thing I want to say about his parents.

His momma's so stupid it took her 10 hours to watch 60 Minutes.
His fatha's so fat he downloads cheats for Wii Fit.
His momma's so hairy when SATP was born SATP almost died from FRICTION.
His momma's so stupid she tripped on a wireless phone.
His momma's so old, if she is told to act her age, she dies.
His momma's so stupid she stares at the orange juice box because it says CONCENTRATE.
His momma's so stupid she stares at the stop sign waiting for it to say go.
His momma's so stupid she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away all the W's.
His momma's so stupid she tried to alphabeticalize M&M's.
His momma's so old her birth certificate said EXPIRED.
His momma's so ugly the doctor looked at her ass when she was born, and then her face, and said, "Twins!"
His momma's so fat even Dora the Explorer couldn't explore her.

More insults to follow...
Troll #3 zooming out!

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